Wget will start downloading the file and you will see the progress. Let's say to download "vnstat-2.6.tar.gz" a network traffic monitor package from a website, the command would be: $ wget To download a file from the command line, simply type wget followed by the URL of the file you want to download. How to Download a file from command line ? The basic syntax of the wget command is as follows: $ wget … … However, if you cannot find it in your system or it is mistakenly removed, you can install it as follows: $ sudo apt install wget It comes installed on almost all Linux OS. It supports downloading of files using HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols. Using wget, you can download a single HTML file or an entire website. Wget is a command-line tool used for downloading files from the web. However the same commands will work on other Linux distributions like Debian, Gentoo, and CentOS as well. In this context, we shall look into how to use the wget and curl utilities to download a file on Ubuntu from the command line. Here at LinuxAPT, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our Customers to perform related Ubuntu system queries. Wget and curl are the command line utilities that let you download files from the command line. They can also do it easily and more quickly using the command line.

One other thing that users frequently do is download a file. One of the reasons for this is because the command line is faster and uses fewer resources. you can simply and quickly perform this task using the command line terminal.

Downloading files is a routine task that is normally performed every day that can include file types like ZIP, TAR, ISO, PNG, etc. Most system administrators and even Linux users prefer the command line for their everyday tasks like editing, and deleting files, creating and removing users, finding IP address and so on.